
Showing posts from June, 2016

A saint in the wrong place

I loved this short story written by  +Paulo Coelho   and wanted to share it with you. ‘Why is it that some people can resolve the most complicated problems really easily, whilst others agonize over every tiny crisis and end up drowning in a glass of water?’ I asked. Ramesh replied by telling the following story: ‘Once upon a time, there was a man who had been the soul of kindness all his life. When he died, everyone assumed that he would go straight to Heaven, for the only possible place for a good man like him was Paradise. The man wasn’t particularly bothered about going to Heaven, but that was where he went. Now in those days, service in heaven was not all that it might be. The reception desk was extremely inefficient, and the girl who received him gave only a cursory glance through the index cards before her and when she couldn’t find the man’s name, she sent him straight to Hell. And in Hell no one asks to check your badge or your i...

A bear in the camp and jewelry making experiments

I started working on this set when I was camping in N. Carolina.  Mikey  went fishing for six hours and I  needed something to do. For four hours he said. Probably, I often lose track of time. Especially when I'm in my creating zone. Time disappears. My materials: an empty soup can, left from my previous dinner, that I have thrown in the fire the night before.  You don't want to leave any food out or anything that smells like food next to your tent when you go camping in the woods. Unless you want to share your campsite with a bear. And that wouldn't be fun, believe me. Despite all our precautions (burning the cans and the paper plates, washing and storing everything away in a big metal tool box, etc etc), a bear has "visited" us the second night we camped there. Mikey has returned from his four hour  fishing adventure proudly holding the two gorgeous trout he caught, and grilled them later that evening ~ I must say I was excite...

The Earth Is A Garden

“Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of Nature and it's beauty.”   ― Albert Einstein A few memories from my trip to N. Carolina :) green landscapes... ...untamed mountains... ...crystal veins within rocks... ...majestic forests... ...crimson clover fields... ...sweet wild onions, love them... ...gorgeous patterns in underground caverns... ...wild flowers... These would make gorgeous earrings. Wild Irises everywhere, my favorite flowers. Great inspiration for beads, love these shapes and colors.  "The Earth laughs in flowers." ~ Ralph W. Emerson  ...gorgeous wild flowers everywhere. Part of our hiking trail on the mountain. The Earth is a garden. Love, Laura :)